Classes at Natural Wellness Centre

Classes to suit everyone; from Yoga and Pilates to Sound Baths and Hypnobirthing.

Regular Classes

Yoga with Fiona Nottingham Hatha Yoga

Hatha Yoga

Every Monday 12pm - 1pm

Move your body and still your mind in this class focussed on posture and controlling your breath.

To book a class with Fiona, send a DM on Instagram

Sheryl, hatha yin yoga natural wellness centre nottingham


Hatha | Yin Yoga

Every Monday 5.45 - 7pm

Varied classes from Hatha Yoga flows to deeply mindful Yin. Encouraging you to create your own shapes and honor your own unique body in your own space. These classes take account of you as an individual and always include some meditation/relaxation so we can develop a deeper understanding of yourselves and your connection to the world.

Sound Bath Therapy- Sunday Surrender

Held monthly throughout the year

A soundbath is an immersive relaxation experience, perfect for those that struggle to switch off. You can expect sounds of nature, wind chimes and the vibration sounds and energy of the crystal bowls to ease you through the relaxation.

To book a class with Sheryl, please text or phone

mind and matter pilates natural wellness centre Nottingham

Mel, Mind & Matter


Every Tuesday 6pm - 7pm

One hour of mindful movement, gentle yet challenging, and improve your posture, strength, flexibility and balance. Connect mind and body through movement.

Suitable for beginners, with options for those who want to challenge themselves a bit more.

To book a class with Mel, send a DM on Instagram

Yvonne Yin Yoga Natural wellness centre Nottingham


Yin Yoga

Every Wednesday 11am - 12:15pm

A floor based class in which we will gently "stress" the tissues & work with our bodies natural alignment to encourage a gentle release.

During the practice the postures will be held for a set period of time but the student is advised to listen to their individual needs & come out of the pose when it feels appropriate for them.

To book a class with Yvonne, please Email 


Vital Flow

This is a kundalini inspired style yoga, stripped back to the essentials of what a movement practice can provide, with added joyfulness uplifting tunes interspersed with deep stillness. A powerful way to start the week and get on it in a more productive way whilst feeling good.

Every Monday 7:15pm - 8:30pm

To book a class with Emily, please call or email.

hypnobirthing  and antental classes nottingham - Barefaced Birth

Kerry Fountain, Barefaced Birth

Hypnobirthing & Antenatal Classes and trauma

Courses run throughout the year

A doula-led 4 week full comprehensive birth preparation course, helping you to feel prepared, empowered and confident about birth.

During the course you will learn evidence based information and lots of practical skills to use during pregnancy, birth and in the fourth trimester. The course covers antenatal birth topics and hypnobirthing tools and techniques to support every kind of birth.

Classes are taught over 4 weeks; a total of 8 hours split into 4 X 2 hour sessions. Group classes are kept small (maximum of 4 couples per course); this ensures that you can ask as many questions during sessions as you would like to in a comfortable and supported space.

You can find out out more about course dates and how to book on the website below.
